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Asset Valuations

Illuminating Opportunities and Risks

Screening & Data gathering

Asset valuation is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Our team of experienced consultants has the skills and knowledge needed to help you make informed decisions. We understand that the process begins long before we make contact with relevant data. That's why we work closely with our clients to prepare their evaluation strategy before and during the data gathering event. A preliminary view of the asset value, information requirements for a robust evaluation, data integrity and accessibility are key. With our help, you can be sure that your evaluation process will be optimal before you start. 

Technical & Economic Valuations

At Orion Energy Consulting, we have the ability, backed by a successful track record, to see beyond the surface and illuminate profitable opportunities and relevant risks for your asset evaluations. This will allow you to compete and win in a contested environment, as well as avoid taking oversized, unmitigated risks. 

Due Diligence & Integration

We understand that Due Diligence is critical for any asset or company acquisition, and an Independent, Expert view is paramount. 

Our team has the experience and expertise needed to help you manage the post-acquisition process effectively and ensure that your new asset achieves its full potential. We work closely with our clients to create the most effective integration strategy possible, and we provide clear and actionable advice to ensure a successful outcome.

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